Media Releases

The aftermath of shelling near a Church in Gaza. Photo credit, Caritas Jerusalem

Caritas Australia partners deliver medical aid to Gaza

19 Dec 23

During the seven-day pause in hostilities from November 24th to December 1st, Caritas Australia partner agencies delivered primary health care to communities in southern Gaza.  

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Tupou and her grandson in Tonga. Photo Credit: Caritas Australia.

Caritas Australia’s Christmas Appeal helps communities vulnerable to natural disasters

12 Dec 23

This year Caritas Australia’s Christmas Appeal focuses on supporting communities across the world that are most vulnerable to natural disaster.

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A religious tapestry among the rubble following an air strike. Photo Credit: Caritas Jerusalem

Caritas Australia draws attention to the humanitarian impact of evacuation orders in Southern Gaza

06 Dec 23

As evacuation orders roll out in the South, the humanitarian situation in Gaza will become even more desperate says Sally Thomas, Humanitarian Emergencies Lead at Caritas Australia.

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Formal opening of COP28 in Dubai. Photo Credit UNFCCC.

Caritas Australia welcomes the establishment and financing of the Loss and Damage Fund at COP28

01 Dec 23

Day one of COP28 saw United Nations (UN) member organisations agree to a model for the Loss and Damage Fund with international governments pledging $400million in financial commitments. 

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Change a life with a Caritas Australia Global Gift this Christmas

27 Nov 23

This Christmas, Caritas Australia is giving you the opportunity to give a gift on behalf of another that can change a life, support a family, and transform a community. 

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A queue of Caritas Australia's partner trucks containing blankets, mats and mattresses bound for Gaza. Photo Credit: Sayed Hassan for CRS.

Caritas Australia reports blankets, mats and mattresses have reached 600 families in Gaza

27 Nov 23

In the past week Caritas Australia’s partners in Gaza have shipped a batch of supplies to provide blankets, mats, and mattresses to 600 families.  

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Caritas Australia to host Service of Solidarity with Gaza and the Holy Land

21 Nov 23

Caritas Australia will host a virtual Service of Solidarity in recognition of the human suffering in the Holy Land.

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A crater filled with rubble following an airstrike on a church complex - Photo Credit Caritas Jerusalem

Caritas Internationalis calls for intensified diplomatic action amid fears of further conflict in the Middle East

16 Nov 23

Caritas Australia has today echoed a statement from Caritas Internationalis, which expresses deep concern about the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

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A local woman attends a church-run health clinic in the East Sepik province of PNG. Photo credit Caritas Australia.

Faith-based organisations and leaders are key to advancing gender equality in Papua New Guinea

14 Nov 23

Caritas Australia releases a new report, Creating Pathways for Change, which looks at the role of faith-based organisations and leaders in furthering women’s economic empowerment in Papua New Guinea. 

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Babita Pinto and Kirsty Robertson, keynote speakers at the Sydney Women for the World Gala dinner 2023. Photo credit: Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia hosts Caritas India in celebration of 10th Women for the World campaign.

09 Nov 23

Caritas Australia hosts Babita Pinto, Head of Programs at Caritas India, at a gala dinner held in Sydney in celebration of 10 years of its annual Women for the World campaign.

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Press conference launch of 'Displaced by a Changing Climate'. Photo credit: Caritas Internationalis.

Caritas Internationalis launches a report on people displaced by climate change

31 Oct 23

Caritas Internationalis has launched a new report, Displaced by a Changing Climate: Caritas Voices Protecting and Supporting People on the Move.

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Caritas Internationalis inaugurates a Global Year of Action on climate change

26 Oct 23

Caritas Internationalis has launched a ‘Global Year of Action’ on climate change, which forms the second year of the Caritas Confederation’s broader ‘Together We’ campaign.

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Palestinians evacuate the area following an Israeli airstrike on the Sousi mosque in Gaza City on October 9, 2023. Photo Mahmud Hams Getty Images

Caritas network preparing Rapid Response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

26 Oct 23

Caritas agencies report that while we are still at the height of conflict with widespread bombing it is not safe to travel, but that a Rapid Response program is being prepared for launch as soon as it is possible.

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Aftermath of an air strike on the Porphyrios Church Hall in Gaza Photo Credit Caritas Jerusalem

Caritas Jerusalem employee killed while sheltering with her family in Gaza

21 Oct 23

The Caritas Confederation is in mourning after the devastating loss of a Caritas Jerusalem employee in Gaza.  

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A plume of smoke rises in the sky of Gaza City during an Israeli airstrike on October 9, 2023. Photo MAHMUD HAMSAFP via Getty Images

Caritas Australia launches Gaza Appeal to support displaced families

17 Oct 23

Following a series of surprise attacks against Israel by Hamas on October 7, hundreds of military air strikes have been launched across the Gaza Strip as a form of retaliation by the Israeli government.


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Caritas Australia launches Afghanistan Earthquake appeal

13 Oct 23

On October 7, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat province, with a second taking place just outside of Herat on October 11. 

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Emergency services responding to the fire created by the attack. Photo credit: Caritas-Spes Ukraine.

Caritas Australia confirms attack on Caritas-Spes Ukraine warehouse, leaving 300 tons of humanitarian supplies burned.

22 Sep 23

Caritas Australia has confirmed that on the night of September 19, 2023, Russian troops hit an industrial enterprise in Lviv, where a Caritas-Spes Ukraine humanitarian aid warehouse was located.

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