Media Releases

Damage caused by flooding in Derna, Libya. Photo: Libyan government via AP

Caritas agencies respond to devastating flooding in Libya

13 Sep 23

Libya has been struck by devastating flooding, which has caused thousands of deaths and widespread damage.

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Rubble following the Morocco earthquake. Photo: OSV News photo/Abdelhak Balhaki, Reuters

Caritas agencies respond to devastating earthquake in Morocco

12 Sep 23

Caritas agencies are responding to the devastating earthquake in Morocco, where over 2,600 lives have been lost and thousands have been injured.


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A New Tool to Empower Australian Catholics to Live Laudato Si’

01 Sep 23

To commemorate the Season of Creation, Caritas Australia is launching a practical guide to support Catholic parishes, organisations, schools, individuals and households across Australia in developing their own Laudato Si’ Action Plan.

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Caritas Australia launches appeal to support displaced people globally

29 Aug 23

The combined effects of conflict and the climate crisis have seen over 100 million people forced to leave their homes worldwide. To respond to this growing global need, Caritas Australia has launched a Displaced People Crisis Appeal. 

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Caritas urges Australians to give a gift this Father’s Day that helps Dads across the world

22 Aug 23

With Father’s Day around the corner, Caritas Australia is asking Australians to consider giving a gift to Aussie Dad’s that helps other fathers across the world who are living in poverty.

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Online Launch to Celebrate the Season of Creation 2023

18 Aug 23

To celebrate the Season of Creation, Caritas Australia invites Catholic communities nationwide to attend an online launch on September 4 at 6:00 PM AEST, offering participants an enriching and informative experience through its Catholic Earthcare program.

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Caritas Australia welcomes the new International Development Policy’s focus on climate action and gender equality

08 Aug 23

Caritas Australia welcomes the Australian government’s commitment to climate action and gender equality as key drivers of the new International Development Policy released today.

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Aboriginal Carbon Foundation and Timorese Delegation in the Caritas Australia Sydney Office. Photo: Mark Harding/Caritas Australia

Timor-Leste and Australia working together to combat climate change in rural communities

04 Aug 23

Caritas Australia welcomed a delegation from Timor-Leste comprised of church and
government representatives to Sydney on Thursday morning. Also present were
members of the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation and Catholic Relief Services.

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Sudan crisis continues leaving millions vulnerable

02 Aug 23

After months of protracted fighting, violence in Sudan continues to spread across the
country causing millions to flee their homes.

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Australian politicians visit Caritas Australia’s program in the Solomon Islands

21 Jul 23

This week a delegation of six Federal MPs and Senators travelled to the Solomon Islands to gain a first-hand experience of Australian aid in action.

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Catholic Earthcare Australia holds online screening of “The Forest Maker”

19 Jul 23

Taking inspiration from Laudato Si’ and in the lead up to National Tree Day at the end of the month, Catholic Earthcare Australia is holding an online screening of “The Forest Maker” this Thursday, 20 July from 6-8pm. 

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Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation celebrates their elders for NAIDOC Week

06 Jul 23

In celebration of NAIDOC Week 2023, and to commemorate this year’s NAIDOC theme ‘For Our Elders’, Caritas Australia’s First Australian partner, Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation, held a cultural event today in Mount Druitt in Western Sydney.  


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Caritas Australia Associate Director Christine Rhazi with KBHAC chairperson Uncle Michael. Photo: Jess Stone/Caritas Australia

Australians want to see more government support for the Stolen Generations this Reconciliation Week

31 May 23

Against the backdrop of Reconciliation Week, research released last week by Caritas Australia shows that over two-thirds of Australians believe it is important for the Federal Government to address the legacy of the Stolen Generations.

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Caritas Bangladesh staff in Cox's Bazar, 2021. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh.

Hundreds feared dead after Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar and Bangladesh

17 May 23

The intense Cyclone Mocha crashed through Myanmar and southeastern Bangladesh on Sunday, making landfall between Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh and Myanmar's Sittwe with winds of up to 210 kilometres per hour.  

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Caritas Australia CEO Kirsty Robertson elected Vice President of Caritas Internationalis

16 May 23

The 22nd General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis (May 11-16) in Rome has elected Kirsty Robertson, CEO of Caritas Australia, as the new Vice President of Caritas Internationalis, to serve the Confederation over the next four years across 162 national Caritas member organisations. 

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Caritas Internationalis welcomes its thirteenth President, Archbishop Tarcisus Isao Kikuchi. Photo: Caritas Internationalis.

Caritas Internationalis welcomes its thirteenth President, Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi

15 May 23

The 22nd General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis (May 11-16) taking place in Rome has, on the evening of May 13, elected Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi as the new President of Caritas Internationalis to serve the Confederation over the next four years. 

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VCA presents $13791 cheque to Caritas Australia. Photo VCA.

Vietnamese Community in Wollongong raise $13,791 for the victims of the Türkiye/Syria Earthquake

11 May 23

On Sunday 16 April, the Vietnamese Community in Wollongong (VCA) raised an incredible $13,791 at a fundraiser dinner for Caritas Australia, to support people impacted by the Türkiye-Syria earthquake.   

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Dignity Kits distribution by CAFOD in Sudan. Photo: CAFOD.

Caritas Australia welcomes humanitarian funding for Sudan

08 May 23

Caritas Australia expresses gratitude for Australia's commitment of $6 million in urgent humanitarian assistance to address the escalating conflict in Sudan. 

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Kirsty and Richard welcomed and attended Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Townsville.
Photo: Alicia Bernardos/Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia’s CEO completes 700km tour of Queensland by bicycle

27 Apr 23

Caritas Australia's CEO, Kirsty Robertson, and Advancement Director, Richard Landels, have completed an epic 700 km bicycle ride from Cairns to Townsville, touring and greeting Catholic schools and parishes along the way.  

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