Children in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Richard Wainwright.

Parish Resources

Prayers, reflections, liturgies and fact sheets for use in your parish or community group. These are designed to help foster faith and action to address social justice issues.

Viewing 61-80 of 116

Video - Barry (Australia)

Barry has overcome many of life’s challenges. He is now an inspirational father and a leader in his community. Approx. 6 mins

Video - Thandolwayo (Zimbabwe)

Thandolwayo and her community now have access to clean water. 
Approx 6 mins

Video - Salma (Bangladesh)

A story about the Safe Motherhood Program featuring Salma from Bangladesh. 2 mins

Video - Peter (Solomon Islands)

Peter now has access to clean water on tap, preventing the need to walk long distances to unsafe water sources. 2 mins

Video - Michaela (Australia)

Michaela is helping to build a social enterprise, a connection to culture and support the chronically ill. 
2 mins

Video - Sakun (India)

Sakun has set up kiosk to earn an income and is now involved in village decision-making. 
2 mins

Video - Tawonga (Malawi)

Tawonga and her family now have enough food to eat and she is able to attend school.
2 min video

Integral Ecology Reflection

A guided reflection highlighting the interconnectedness of all creation.

Pdf 31.8 MB

Integral Ecology Framework

Assists in applying the concept of integral ecology.

Png 111.2 KB

Make Hunger History Information- Secondary/Parish

An information PPT about the Africa food crisis and the Make Hunger History campaign.

Pptx 33.4 MB

Make Hunger History - Prayer (Secondary/Parish)

A prayer for people in the Horn of Africa, experiencing food shortages and extreme hunger.

Pptx 27.6 MB

Make Hunger History - Posters

Posters promoting the Make Hunger History campaign to raise awareness and money for the Africa Food Crisis. 

Pdf 7 MB

Make Hunger History - Grace Prayer

A mealtime prayer placemat, focused on the Africa Food Crisis.

Pdf 1.7 MB

Caritas Introduction to the SDGs - Secondary and Parish

An information PPT about the Sustainable Development Goals, their links to Catholic Social Teachings and the work of Caritas Australia.

Pptx 20.8 MB

All Board Games

Learn about Caritas programs through playing seven different board games. Have fun!

Pdf 7.8 MB

FILM - Anatercia's Story (Mozambique) - Secondary / Parish

Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in southern Mozambique has improved her life with the support of Caritas Australia and it's partners. 

FILM - Biru's Story (India)

The Story of Biru who gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.

FILM - Janice's Story (Australia)

A Wagilak woman, Janice is a traditional dancer who has worked to support her community to generate income and employment, while keeping culture alive.

FILM - Rosalie's Story (Democratic Republic of Congo)

The story of Rosalie who is a now a business owner, a community leader and a role model for other ex-combatants seeking to readjust to civilian life.

FILM - Shaniella's Story (Solomon Islands)

Shaniella was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.