Ronita (22) walks to her senior high school in Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Project Compassion

Get involved this Project Compassion by watching the stories, hosting a fundraiser, joining a Caritas Q&A, or downloading our school and parish resources.

Together, we can make a difference now, and For All Future Generations.

Project Compassion

Get involved this Project Compassion by watching the stories, hosting a fundraiser, joining a Caritas Q&A, or downloading our school and parish resources.

Together, we can make a difference now, and For All Future Generations.


Donate or fundraise this Lent to help transform the lives of people living in poverty.



During the season of Lent, your parish can reflect, pray and fundraise for vulnerable people around the world.

Parish hub


Download teaching resources that will help your students learn about poverty and social justice.



Learn about global issues with our fun and interactive resources for primary and secondary students.

student hub

For All Future Generations

Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. 

Your generous support can help change lives today - and For All Future Generations.

Project Compassion Stories

Ronita, Philippines

Meet Ronita, a mother of two young boys living in an urban slum in the Philippines. 

Leaia, Samoa

See the impact a new water tank has made on Leaia and her family in Samoa. 

Memory, Malawi

Follow Memory on her journey to become the first female carpenter from her village in Malawi.