Laxmi (16) leading a rally with Child Club members calling for child rights, such as access to education and stopping child marriage and child labour, through villages near her home in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Waintwright/Caritas Australia

Women’s Wellbeing, Participation and Leadership

Women are disproportionately affected by poverty, food insecurity, climate change, gender-based violence and abuse, as well as a lack of access to education, health care and employment. Gender inequality is the root cause of many of these injustices. Read on to learn about our advocacy and research in this area. 

Too often, women and girls experience violence in the family home. To understand the unique contribution of Catholic agencies to the prevention of and response to family violence, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Caritas Australia partnered with the Australian Catholic University, Catholic Social Services Australia and Catholic Health Australia to examine this issue. The research led to understandings of distinctive Catholic approaches to the provision of family violence services, as perceived by those working directly in the sector.
  Read the report

Caritas Australia supports women and girls’ wellbeing, participation and leadership through our long term development and humanitarian programs.

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